5 Reasons why you shouldn’t brand your own business

Do-It-Yourself Branding seldom works. It can cost you revenue and can be less attractive to your ideal client.

Here’s 5 Reasons why you shouldn’t brand your own business.

  1. The emotional branding concept

A brand is more than a business name, logo & tagline. In fact, your brand is the emotion that your audience feels when they experience your product or service. If you miss that basic concept, you’ll waste time, money & mental energy on those elements rather than on the emotions you’re attempting to elicit.

  1. You’re too close to your product/service

Branding isn’t about you, it’s about your ideal audience. An outside branding company has an outsider’s point of view and is less likely to get caught up in your “inside looking” vision.

  1. You can focus on sales & what you’re great at!

Your time is freed up to focus on what you’re great at & do the selling. Sell with the best branding created for you. Sell with branding that you’re proud of & confident in.

  1. Using a platform like Canva creates generic branding

With everyone having access to the platform, the likelihood of your design elements being unique to your brand/business is highly unlikely.  It’s also important to note that you can’t obtain a vector (print ready file) of your logo from Canva, which can cause problems down the track.

  1. You’re preparing yourself for success

Nothing spells success more than a beautiful brand and product. Get a head start with your business make the investment to have your branding professionally created.

Banish BORING and attract your ideal client with captivating branding & design that converts leads to sales with ease!